You are pounding the pavement, grinding hard, getting it at the gym, blistering your hands, and building muscle. All the hard work you put in day after day. Whether that is your job or your pre/post-work hobby, it takes a toll on your body. The positives are great! Stronger. Faster. Leaner. Fitter.
But sometimes, it is too much for your body to handle, and you need to rest just as hard to keep making those gains. If you are not sleeping properly, you may struggle to make progress.
Here are some things to watch out for to combat the adverse effects of fatigue. And maybe even learn to enjoy your rest days!

Cortisol (The Stress hormone) is a catabolic hormone best known for helping your body fight or fight instinct.
In a high-stress situation, cortisol levels increase to prepare the body for battle.
- It boosts your energy (increases blood glucose) so you can handle the stressor and restore balance after it is gone.
- Manages how your body uses macros.
- Regulates blood pressure: High stress – high blood pressure to keep your body ready for battle.
- Controls your sleep-wake cycle: No one wants to fall asleep during a fight.
- Controls digestion and weight loss: when fighting, you need all the energy you can get, so your body shuts down the digestive tract to help save energy. Then it also stores all the fuel it can get just in case the battle is lone, so your body stores fat – no weight loss.
If you have prolonged stress, your cortisol levels can stay elevated, leading to problems with digestion, weight gain, and trouble sleeping.
Where there is a yin, there is a yang.
Some stress is good. It helps you learn how to deal with challenging situations properly. Exercise is a stress on your body that you need for growth and weight loss.

To avoid becoming overly stressed, you must be intentional about working on stress relief as you work on becoming physically stronger and fitter.
I find that my weight increases and stalls when I don’t make the time to work on relaxing and keeping my stress levels low. I also stopped sleeping, increased my resting heart rate, and felt blah. When I start seeing these signs, I know I have pushed myself too hard for too long.
So, I make a point of taking a day or two in a row to rest. I don’t work, or I keep my heart rate low. I stretch. I drink lots of water. I don’t concentrate on how many steps my Fitbit says I got in those days. I eat clean, so my body doesn’t overwork to digest processed foods. I try to stay relaxed. And it pays off. Afterward, I have more energy. I can usually lift more or move faster. My resting heart rate comes back down, and I can sleep better. That’s when I knew I had correctly adjusted my cortisol levels.
Get A Good Nights Sleep
In this article by Thrive Global, they discuss the importance of sleep. Sleeping like a pro athlete is beneficial not only to their careers but also to everyone. Learning to get a good night’s rest is just as important as training hard.
Why We All Need to Recharge and Recover Like Pro Athletes – Thrive Global
Eat The Right Way Before Bed
The wrong food can also cause your sleep to be disrupted. Going to bed on a full belly can be disastrous for your sleep quality and waistline. This article from the International Business Times gives you four foods you should avoid before bed to get a better sleep.
Get A Good Night’s Sleep By Avoiding These Four Foods Before Bedtime – International Business Times
Things I Use To Help Me Rest And Recover
My Foam Roller.
This helps me to slow down but still get the blood flowing to help my muscles heal after hard training sessions. I bought a short one to store more efficiently. And it is easier to take on car trips. After a long day in the car, your hip flexors and lower back tend to tighten. Foam rolling for a few minutes will help loosen these areas up.
My Fitbit.
Even though I am not using it on these rest days to count steps, I use the heart rate feature to ensure I am keeping my heart rate low. Tracking my heart rate is one of my favorite parts of wearing a Fitbit. The other feature I use often is the Relax guided breathing app. Right in the watch, you swipe to find the app, pick two or 5-minute sessions, and follow along with the lights and small vibrations to inhale and exhale. It is so soothing.
My Water Bottle.
To ensure I stay hydrated even though I am not moving as much. Being well-hydrated helps the blood flow through the body, which helps repair damaged tissues. Drinking enough water also helps to expel toxins from the body, helping you to feel refreshed and energized.
A Good Book.
If you have the chance to read, do it. It is one of the most relaxing activities you can do for yourself. If you don’t have an opportunity to sit and read, try an audiobook. Audible has thousands of books to choose from, and you can pick the speed at which it is heard.
My Yoga Mat.
Stretching is so good for you! No matter what day it is, what time it is, and where you are. Stretch as often as possible. Use a yoga mat if you need help to get your mindset right. Roll it out and spend some quality time elongating yourself. Find some tight spots and stretch through them. Learn to breathe into the stretches and not force them. The more you try, the better you will get at it. Extending takes time, consistency, and lots of practice.