“Succeeding to Plan is Planning to Succeed.”

That’s not how the quote goes, but the original one is a bit too negative. Surrounding yourself with positivity, even if it is just a few words, can significantly change the outlook of your day. Instead of focusing on the negative, look for the positive.

I don’t necessarily plan out every part of my days; I can’t; I have a toddler. Toddlers are like volcanoes; they can ruin your plans as quickly as an explosion.

I do, however, plan for things I know I can control. For example, for a part of dinner, I always have a salad. I credit part of my success to eating a salad at home every night, which is usually about 5 out of 7 nights a week.

Rubbermaid Food Saver Keeping My Veggies Fresh Rubbermaid Food Saver Keeping My Veggies Fresh

It is not just some lettuce and strips of carrots. I chop up most vegetables I love and put them over a Spinach and Field Mix bed from Wegmans. (My ABSOLUTE favorite grocery store.)

I have been doing this weekly for two and a half years. Once you get into the habit of doing something, it becomes natural. I have the process down. I could do it with my eyes closed if it wasn’t for the sharp knife in my hand.

Dressing a Salad

Dressing is an important part, too. My main focus was staying away from anything with preservatives when I started eating salads every night. So, I just stuck to the basic vinegar and extra virgin olive oil. I would add a sprinkling of Italian seasoning, too. I also learned to love my salads plain, to taste the pieces of produce: the carrots’ sweetness, the bell peppers’ crunch, and the crisp and juicy bite of cucumber.

I did find one of the most amazing healthy bottled salad dressings, Bragg Organic Vinaigrette Dressing. This stuff is SO tasty. You wouldn’t know how beneficial it was until you read the label.

15 Calories per 2 Tablespoons, with only six ingredients! Thats incredible. Especially when one of the most used dressings on the market is ranch dressing, Hidden Valley Ranch has 140 calories per 2 Tablespoons, with 21 ingredients! That’s a whole lot of stuff you consume that is not needed.

So when I don’t want to make my dressing, I use a MUCH healthier Bragg Organic Vinaigrette Dressing on my salads.

Putting It All Together

Every Sunday or Monday, I chop all the veggies I will use for the week—starting with our salad.

Meal Prep: Salad

It’s a great way to make a quick veggie-based meal. Chop all the veggies at the beginning of the week and use them as side salads with mains, or use them as the main and top them with a protein.

  • 1 Head Cauliflower
  • 1 Head Broccoli
  • 3 to 4 carrots
  • One bell pepper
  • 1/4 of an onion
  • One cucumber
  • One tomato
  1. Chop and Layer all the veggies into a Rubbermaid FreshWorks Produce Saver Food Storage Container, respectively.Use on top of a bed of greens for a side salad or as a main course.

Then, come dinner, I put some of the spinach mix in my bowl, add a few tong fulls of the chopped veggies, making sure I get the tongs to the bottom so I get some cauliflower, and then add a little bit of the Bragg Vinaigrette.

Sometimes, I add Fat-Free Feta cheese, sliced almonds, or avocado! Avocado is my favorite topper.

Chopped all the salad veggies and stored them in the Rubbermaid FreshWorks Container.[/caption]

Get Creative

Making this salad is seriously easy and quick. It is usually eaten as a side dish, but I also use it as a main dish when I’m out of time or ideas.

To use it as a main dish, I add
a can of tuna – it creates a meal low in fat (as long as you use the proper dressing), and it’s so filling.
some taco meat – I use ground turkey instead of ground beef
Grilled chicken – seasoned with some Mrs. Dash Chicken Grilling Blends

The options are endless. Use what you already have in your fridge and get creative. Salmon, shrimp, or steak would be good options too!

Meal prepping doesn’t have to be complicated. You don’t have to have everything planned out. Having a solid, healthy base for the week will help you stay on track to reach your goals. Or to make your life easier.

The Rubbermaid FreshWorks Produce Saver Food Storage Container keeps veggies fresher and longer; because I chop up so much to last the week, I needed something to help, and this product came through.

Meal Prep For A Week

This is how I meal prep for a typical week for my family.

Check out the whole Blog post by clicking here >> Meal Prep For A Week
Get the inside scoop and details about how I feed my family:

  • See my entire process from Sunday through Wednesday.
  • How I use the My fitnessPal App for big batch meals.
  • Read more about Cauliflower Rice.
  • What happens on Friday?
  • My Ideal eating schedule (It might help you schedule your meals.)
  • What I drink
  • Print out the recipe for Wednesday’s dinner (if you haven’t already)

Meal Prep For A Week