Vacations are so much fun; chances are, if you are like me, you don’t get to travel as much as you would like.
I love seeing new things, experiencing new adventures, and watching my toddler learn new things you can’t teach at home.
Experiences and learning are so valuable for young and old minds alike.
The Inevitable Road Trip Traffic Jam
Being on vacation also means you are out of your routine; you are doing what you must to make the vacation go more smoothly, including eating whatever is available.
Chances are you won’t be eating as clean and healthy as you do at home. Eating out is easy but also comes at a high-calorie cost. Most restaurants use more oils and butters to cook all the food they offer than you use at home to cook those same foods. Oils and butter are more calorie-dense fats than carbs or proteins, so even a little more may throw you off your calorie count.
You will also be out of your exercise routine. It would be best if you consciously decided to move whenever possible. And not just a slow, leisurely walk; get your heart rate up and work those muscles. Combine the two with some HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) to get a good sweat in a short amount of time.
80/20 Rule: Moderation
I am a big fan of the 80/20 rule. Eat clean 80 percent of the time, while the other 20 percent you can use to get a little crazy. Fun is important. So Everything in MODERATION. Here are a few tips I used on our road trip that worked for me. These tips are for when you want to stay in the 80 percent. And there is a fun surprise in store at the end. Maybe you will also be surprised with it if you follow these tips.
We drove from Pennsylvania to Florida once, and I knew I wanted to make sure I could have fun and enjoy myself while also ensuring I wouldn’t return home after ten days to just as many pounds gained.
I packed my jump rope. I knew traveling with a toddler, we would be stopping a lot along the way at rest stops. While it is nice that most interstate rest stops have bathrooms, vending machines, and picnic tables, I knew I would want something more to get the blood flowing, get my heart rate up, and burn some calories quickly before we get back in the car to continue sitting. At each longer stop we made, I would use the facilities and then grab my jump rope for 5 to 10 minutes. I would pick a spot on the sidewalk that was out of the way of other travelers. Sometimes, I would jump, single under, for however long we had at the time. Sometimes, I would add extra movements to make it an AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible) for the time we had.
One example would be:
50 Single Unders
10 Push ups
Alternating for as long as you give yourself.
And don’t be afraid to modify and use your environment. I did regular push-ups this time, but you could do incline/decline push-ups using a picnic table bench. You could also sub any other bodyweight movement, including air squats, lunges, burpees, etc.
(Double points for getting your kid to wear himself out too!)
Take advantage of your hotel gym equipment—sometimes, it’s only a few dumbbells and maybe some cardio machine. Use what you have. Use the cardio machine for a specified number of minutes and then use the dumbbells. Compound movements like thrusters, squat cleans, deadlifts, rows, etc., will give you the most bang for your buck. You won’t need heavy weight and will work multiple body parts simultaneously, raising your heart rate.
No gym equipment at the hotel? Do a simple yet effective bodyweight workout. While my son was napping in my hotel room, I did a Mountain climber and burpee workout right in between the beds.
You can do bodyweight movements anywhere, even between hotel beds.
Are you staying with a family member? Take advantage of a quick run through the neighborhood. And again, add some bodyweight movements before or after your run.
Another thing to think about is timing. You do not need an hour-long workout. 15 – 20 minutes at High Intensity will get your blood pumping and your body burning calories. Make it quick and intense! And, of course, your day will be filled with fun adventures; that’s why you are on vacation! So get up 30 minutes early, work out, and you’re done for the day. Then, you can enjoy your day with confidence.
When it comes to eating, you need to! Don’t skip meals just because you are afraid of the calories. Instead, make intelligent decisions and grab a quick snack or meal before you get to the point where you think you are starving. Once you get there, you will likely eat way too much of something you usually wouldn’t have eaten.
Watch your portions. Don’t overeat because it is in front of you. Split a meal with your kid or traveling companion.

When choosing something off a menu, please keep it clean and lean.
Foods described with the words Fried, Glazed, Breaded, Smothered, and Carmelized are all words that suggest those foods have been devoured in cooking oils and sugars. All added calories that you don’t need. Look for meats that have been grilled or boiled.
If you order a salad, ask for a light vinegar-based dressing on the side to control the amount.
Most foods that restaurants offer come with a high sodium content. This is also something to be aware of because excess sodium could cause you to bloat.
I ate a lot of plain grilled chicken or salmon with lots of green or grilled veggies.
Drink lots of Water!
Being dehydrated will make you feel hungry. It is widespread to mistake being thirsty for hunger. And with all your fun on vacation, you may forget to drink as much water as you do at home. (Or maybe you are dehydrated from all the extra liquid fun you have been drinking.)
Drinking lots of water will help keep you satisfied and help control bloating from all the eating out and traveling. Drinking Water instead of other beverages will also keep you from consuming extra calories. It’s amazing how many calories you can drink without knowing it.
I would drink a lot of Water at night so I wouldn’t need to stop every hour while on the road. We would get to the hotel at night, and I would drink between 32 and 64 ounces of Water. I would have Water throughout the day, and that was it. I never drink sodas anyway.
Quick Recap
Move: Quick and Intense workouts are all you need.
Eat: Watch your portions. Make sure it’s clean and lean.
Drink Water as often as possible.
But Most Importantly. Have fun!!
After all, you are on vacation. And it doesn’t come around often enough, and you should enjoy every second you can. Go a little crazy and enjoy yourself.
SURPRISE! After ten days on the road and following this plan I have laid out here. I came home to a 2-pound weight LOSS! I’d say that vacation was a complete success!