Minimal equipment at home? Or Maybe there is no equipment?
This home workout will have you hitting all the body parts with minimal equipment. Use what you have. Mix it up if you wish. And the more intensity and time under tension you give to each movement, the more you will get out of it. Keep your heart rate up with the cardio in each set.
Bodybuilding Style Workout
This workout is a bit of EVERYTHING.
Ensure each movement (other than the cardio) is slow and intentional. It will still pack a considerable intensity punch if you stay focused.
Find that mind-muscle connection and stay tight throughout the whole movement.
Superset 1: 4 Sets
10 – 15 Reps Bent Over Rows
10 – 15 Reps Squats
30 Reps or 30 Seconds Mountain Climbers
Superset 2: 4 Sets
10 – 15 Reps Shoulder Press
10 – 15 Reps Deadlift
30 Reps or 30 Seconds Jumping Jacks
Superset 3: 4 Sets
10 – 15 Reps Push Up Renegade Row
10 – 15 Reps Side Steps
30 Reps or 30 Seconds Toe Taps
How This Works:
You will pick the available equipment and want to use it; you can mix and match equipment to your preference. Then, repeat the movements sequentially, taking a small (no more than 30 seconds) break after the cardio for four rounds. Work through each superset until complete before moving on to the next.
Need Some Mini Bands?

These Mini Bands have been a staple in my routine. Not only are they great for workouts, but they also help me warm up before some heavy barbell work.
All movements (except for the cardio: Mountain climbers, Jumping Jacks, and toe taps) Should be performed slowly and controlled. This is not for time. This is for good, solid, quality reps.
Superset 1: Starts at minute:
Bent Over Rows:

Start by hinging at the hips, feet staggered, keep your core tight and back flat, neck long, and shoulders down and back. Start with one arm straight, holding your chosen equipment, pull your elbow up and about trying to reach for the ceiling, pinch your shoulder blades together at the top, and slowly bring your elbow back down until your arm is straight.
- Mini Bands – Wrap a band around your left foot to pull with your right arm—and vice versa.
- Resistance Bands – Step on the band with the same foot as your working arm.
- Weights – Lunge forward with your left foot to work your right arm. Vise Versa.
- Body Only – This will be a slow negative push-up. Start in a push-up position, wrists under your shoulders, core tight. Slowly lower your body, keeping your arms pinned to your sides and your elbows pointing back toward your feet. Slowly lower down, then get up and start over.

Standing with your feet at the hip to shoulder width apart, send your hips back and down until your hips are at least parallel with your knees. Ensure your knees stay in line with your toes, and do not let them cave into the middle; keep pressing your knees out. Keep your back flat, chest up, and core tight. Stand back up.
- Mini Bands – Put a band around your legs above your knees.
- Resistance Bands – stand on the band with both feet and hold the handles at your shoulders.
- Weights – Hold the weights at your shoulders or your chest.
- Body Only – No equipment needed.
Mountain Climbers:

In a plank position on your hands and toes, with feet together, bring one knee up toward your chest, then return to the starting place and do the same with the other leg. Alternate as fast as possible, like running in place. Keep your back as flat as possible and your hips level with your shoulders. Each time a knee comes to the chest, it is one rep.
Need Some Resistance Bands?

Resistance bands are very versatile. If you are used to using cable machines at the gym, these can be your go-to home workout staple. Use them like you would a cable machine. Easy to use on their own with or without handles. And you can anchor them to doors or around a sturdy object.
Superset 2: Starts at the minute:
Shoulder Press:

Standing tall, core tight, squeeze your glutes. Start with your hands at your shoulders, elbows pointed down and in front of you. Press your arms over your head until they are straight, and your elbows are locked. Slowly return to the start position, bending your elbows and bringing your hands back to your shoulders.
- Mini Bands – Wrap a band around both hands and keep pressing the band out each way.
- Resistance Bands – Work one arm at a time; step on the band with the same foot as the working arm.
- Weights – Hold the weights at your shoulders and press them up, keeping your biceps by the ears.
- Body Only – This will be a pike push-up. Start in a downward dog position. Arms out more expansive than usual, hips pushed up and back, legs straight, core tight. Bend your elbows and bring the top of your head down to touch the floor slightly, then press back up to straight arms.

In a single-leg deadlift, one foot stays planted while the other reaches back (or a toe stays on the floor staggered for more stability). Hinge at the hips, slight bend in the working knee, back flat, and core tight; reach them towards the floor, and then stand back up by pulling through the hamstrings and squeezing your butt.
- Mini Bands – Place the band around the working foot and hold it with the opposite hand.
- Resistance Bands – Step on the band with the working foot, and grab the band with the same side hand on the outside of the foot.
- Weights – Hold one weight in the opposite hand of the working leg or a weight in each hand. You can keep both feet on the floor and do a stiff-leg deadlift. Keep your feet under your hips, slightly bend in the knee, flat back, and super tight coretight. Keep your shoulders back and down. Hinge at the hips and reach the weights towards the floor. Stand back up by pulling through your hamstrings and squeezing your bitt.
- Body Only – no equipment needed.
Jumping Jacks:

Start standing straight with your arms at your sides, jumping your feet out to each side while bringing your straight arms over your head. Jump your feet back together, bringing your arms back down to finish.
Need Some Dumbbells?

Dumbbells can be used in place of any piece of equipment. One of the best investments you can add to your home gym. Shoulder press with a machine at the gym – dumbbells at home. Clean and Jerk a barbell at the gym – Dumbbells at home. Make body weight movements harder – dumbbells.
Superset 3: Starts at the minute:
Push Up Renegade Row:

You start in your preferred push-up position, wrists under your shoulders and either on your toes or your knees. Do one push-up, then put your weight on one hand while you pull your elbow up and back into a row with the other. Keep the rowing arm close to your body. Place the first hand back on the floor and row with the other arm. Push up – row – row is one rep.
- Mini Bands – place your hands inside a band, pull out each way so it is tight and your hands are under your shoulders; after your push-up, grab the band with one arm and row, then do the other.
- Resistance Bands -place your hands over a band; after your push-up, grab the band with one arm and row, then do the other arm.
- Weights – With your hands on the dumbbells, do a push-up, then row each arm.
- Body Only – This will be a push-up and shoulder tap. Do one push, tap your left shoulder with your right hand, then tap your right shoulder with your left hand. That is one rep.
Side Steps:

In a partial squat, step to the side in one direction for several steps, then to the other. Keep your core tight and chest up.
- Mini Bands – Put a band around your legs above your knees.
- Resistance Bands – Step on the band with both feet and hold the handles tight to your chest.
- Weights – Hold one weight on your chest.
- Body Only – No equipment needed. Go into a deeper squat if possible.
Toe Taps:

Using a target on the floor before you, tap one foot to the object and then the other. It was moving at a quick pace. The higher the object, the more complex the movement gets.