What is Intensity?

The dictionary describes Intensity as:
1. “The quality or state of being intense; especially: extreme degree of strength, force, energy, or feeling.”
2. “The magnitude of a quantity (such as force or energy) per unit (as of area, charge, mass, or time).”

That means how much passion are you putting into that project?
How much concentration are you putting in to solve that problem?
How much strength and power are you putting behind your exercises?
How much effort are you putting into that moment in time?

What Intensity Doesn’t Look Like

Low Intensity is the opposite. You are moving with indifference or carelessness. An easy-going walk through your day without any purpose. A beautiful stroll through the park on a warm, sunny day. I am casually browsing the new release book section at Barnes and Noble.

Low Intensity is great for parts of your daily life. But when it comes to your exercise program, you should put in 100 percent effort.

What Intensity Does Look Like

High Intensity Workout Plan High Intensity Workout

Do you ever see those people in the college library studying so hard that the room could be on fire, and they wouldn’t notice? That is Intensity.

We are giving 110 percent effort and attention to the task at hand.
It is so focused it is almost like that person has tunnel vision.
Work with a purpose and do not stop until you are satisfied or until the job is completed.

I mention Intensity a lot in the home workout program. Intensity is a critical piece of training. Especially when trying to get your exercises done in 30 minutes, continually moving with Intensity will fire up your metabolism, burn more calories, and create the base for stronger muscles while increasing your stamina.

Is it hard to keep your Intensity high? Yes. But that’s the beauty of it. That is the secret weapon to most successful people.

They are so focused on what they want nothing stops them. They do everything they do towards their goal with the purpose and intention of getting it.

Working with high Intensity will get you further quicker. Apply it to your daily chores.. sweeping your kitchen with Intensity will mean that you get the job done much faster and more efficiently, and chances are your floors will look clean after you are done. You are scrubbing your tub. It’s not the most fun thing in the world, but if you decide to wash with Intensity, it will be sparkling clean before you know it. You are walking to your car from the grocery store. Do it with Intensity; you will get there quicker, your heart rate will increase a bit, which will help you burn more calories, and that free sample you got to try in the store is now all burnt up.

High-Intensity Workout Plan

Now, take the Intensity you have been practicing in your daily life and apply it to a 30-minute workout. First, that 30-minute workout could be completed in less time if you give 110 percent of Intensity. Don’t fly through the workout and not finish it properly, but move with purpose. Move with intention. Go through your entire range of motion. Get deep in that squat and stand up purposefully, squeezing those glutes tight at the top. When completing overhead presses, stay near and punch those dumbbells overhead to a lockout position. Give all your energy into every step while you run. Breathe hard when you can’t breathe anymore, and keep moving. Make every movement count.


 How Bad Do You Want It? Poster For Some Workout Motivation!

Remember that every day in the gym or your workout area will be different. Sometimes, your Intensity will be off the charts and out of this world. And sometimes, just showing up and putting your shoes on will be everything you got. As long as you give at least 100 percent to your workout that day, you are still working with Intensity.

When those days come that your Intensity is slightly shyer than other days, remember your why. Why do you want to help yourself become better? Find your motivation. Put it front and center, and that Intensity will not be far behind. The more motivation you have for something, the easier it will be to give all the Intensity into those moments.

High Intensity Workout

Try this workout with your newfound Intensity.
(This is Workout for Day 2 of the Do Something: Home Workout Program!)

15 Minute AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible)
10 Jump Squats
5 Push Ups
5 Burpees
10 Mountain Climbers

The beauty of this workout is that it is all you! No dumbbells or gym equipment are needed. Just you and your Intensity pushing as hard as you can for 15 minutes and burning so many calories. Go for as many rounds as you can! Write down your results and try it again in a week or two to see if you can beat it.

Want more workouts like this? Check out this High-intensity Workout Plan that you can do anywhere! At home, At the Gym, or while Traveling.