Motivation comes and goes for anything. Especially when it comes to exercising.

Everyone experiences ups and downs, but its the downs that you relate back to the most. Sometimes just pushing through and continue to do the work will get you out of the funk. Other times it is not so easy. What I do to get out of the deep down is first write in my journal. What I feel. Why I might feel like that. What the next steps are. Usually that will pull me out on its own.

Sometimes its just about getting out of the current routine and freshen it up a bit. Try something new, something that you can get excited about.

Maybe it is taking a group class, going for a bike ride, running a new trail, participating in a new sport.

  Find a local gym or center that offers classes. Being in a new place and learning something new is always get motivation. Maybe you will stick with it, maybe you won’t but learning is always good!

Making a new playlist that you only listen to while working out will get you motivated.

Spotify Workout Playlist

Music is a powerful motivator. It brings out emotions and memories that you may not have recently experienced. Find some new upbeat music that makes you want to get up and dance. And then dance all the way to the gym. If you need some inspiration you can check out my spotify playlist.


Buying a new pair of shoes or outfit that you only wear while exercising.

  If you look good you feel good. Buying something new to wear will give

Under Armour Shirt, Asics Shoes, And A Battle Rope

Under Armour Shirt, Asics Shoes, And A Battle Rope

you a quick jump start and make you feel more confident when you know you love it. It could be shoes (Asics are my favorite!), socks, a shirt (you can’t go wrong with anything from Under Armour) and maybe that piece you have been putting off buying will be the item to help you through. I love scrolling through ThredUp to find some gently used activewear at really great prices! (Helps the environment! That’s gotta help your motivation too.)

Get a new piece of equipment that makes you want to work hard.

  A new water bottle perhaps. (I love Contigo water bottles!) I once bought a 40 foot long battle rope when I was in a funk and I used that so much I forgot I was in a funk. TA-DA… All better!

Everything You Got Poster

Maybe you need a Motivational Poster to help you get it together!

Or maybe it is just taking multiple rest days in a row to get you feeling better. Re-energize your love of movement.

  Sometimes being in a funk is your bodys way of telling you that you have been working really hard and it needs some extra recovery time to benefit from all the great work. Take a day or two, (or a week), off and most of the time you will come back better, stronger, and more excited to workout then ever!

A support system is very helpful too. Grab a buddy and go have fun. Exercising doesn’t have to be a serious thing. Enjoy yourself!

The important thing is pulling yourself out of the low points. Just know it happens to everyone. Find something that makes you excited to get up and go.

Need some new workout ideas? Download my ebook, Do Something: Home Workout Program and Nutritional Guidelines!