Want to create your own workouts but don’t know where to start?

You will stick to a workout plan if you have your ‘Why’ upfront and are excited about it.

There are days I want to be a gazelle and don’t want to do anything but run.

Other days I want to lift heavy and really feel every fiber of a muscle group working hard.

I created a template that will help you decide how to structure your own workout.

You can use this template at the gym or at home. It follows all the movements in the index of Do Something or you can insert your own movements.

Use body weight movements for the TABATA or HIIT. Use dumbbells or Kettlebells, even sandbags or medicine balls for all workout types. Remember to always bring the intensity!

Get excited and create your own workouts!

Click to download the Workout Template!

Do Something Create Your Own Workout Template Do Something Create Your Own Workout Template