“You can’t make a temporary change and expect a permanent outcome.”
You may look at your idols and think that they have it easy. Their success was natural, and they have always been gifted in their profession.
Sometimes, that is the case, but most of the time, it is not. What these professionals do have is the commitment and willingness to stay consistent.
They work hard. Each decision they make reflects their passion. Constantly. For an extended period. It is never an overnight change.
“Consistency is what Transforms Average into Excellence.”
I live next to a creek. The creek has changed since moving here, but it has changed over time. It still flows in the same direction. Sometimes, the water level is high; sometimes, it is low and completely frozen over in the winter months. It has shifted rocks around. It has widened in some spots. It has craved out notches in the banks. It has moved whole trees and built itself little rapids where there was none before.

But it is still moving in the same direction and with its original purpose. It hasn’t given up on its end goal, even after all this time.
Daily, it doesn’t look like much has changed. But if you look at its progress over months and years, you can see the change.
If you want to be better in your profession, you need to be like the creek. Like your idols, you watch on social media. They show you their PRs, their successes, their wins.
“The road to greatness is not marked by perfection, but the ability to constantly overcome adversity and failure.”
But you rarely see their failures—the work it takes to get to where they are.
Most people don’t want to see that; they don’t want to work. They romanticize the natural gifts because they don’t want to put in the hard work and the consistency it takes to succeed.
And getting there doesn’t come without sacrifices. Maybe they don’t get to enjoy time out with friends. Those cookies are in the office break room. That Game Of Thrones episode is the night it comes on. But that’s ok. Because where they are going and where you want to be is more significant than that.
Start Being Consistent Today
Start with today. Make one change that you know you can do OVER and OVER for an extended period. One day, you won’t have to make that decision every day because it will just become a habit. It will be your life.
When I started my fitness journey. The journey to get healthier for myself and my family. I started with what I knew I could change permanently.

I stopped eating so much processed food. I lowered my sugar and salt intake. Then, I just kept adding to that list.
I drink BSN Protein Powder every morning when I get to the kitchen.
I eat scrambled eggs a couple of hours later.
I take my vitamins and supplements (Fish Oil) every day.
I make time to exercise at least four days a week.
I weigh my food. (I’m wrong with portions)
I eat a salad (read about my salads here) with dinner and make a lean protein source and veggies, the most significant of my meals.
I am consistent about when I go to bed, even if it means sacrificing some social time.
And there are always things that could be done better.
I could be better with the intensity I give in my workouts.
I could stop eating frozen yogurt before bed.
I could seek help from other professionals to better myself, whether it is coaches or doctors.
Everybody has something they need to work on. But you can’t let that stop you. You need to start. Just DO SOMETHING. Time will pass regardless. Make the best of it. Make one good decision today and consistently stick with it for an extended period.
Do you want a permanent change? It would be best if you had permanent consistency. Start small. Work yourself up. Your idols did just that. You can, too.