Need a Total Body Workout? Keep It Simple.

The most effective way to make a change is to simplify your routine. A simple lean protein and a salad is a good meal.

Use a couple of Total Body movements to get fit…
Simple. But it’s not necessarily easy.

Using dumbbells in an exercise is a great way to lean down, build muscle, and simultaneously get cardio. You can use dumbbells in unlimited ways. You can push, pull, and press. You can increase the weights, intensity, angle, speed, and grip.

 Use dumbbells to create a quick total body workout.

You can get a Total Body Workout using one set of dumbbells and one movement. Or string multiple movements together.

The total body workout can be done anywhere, such as a home or gym workout. You can even take your dumbbells to the playground and get a good workout in while your kids play.

One of my favorite Total Body Workouts is simply Dumbbell Thrusters and Burpees. Simple but powerful. These two movements are very effective at raising your heart rate quickly, getting you sweaty, and making your muscles burn. They also come with the bonus of making you mentally tough because they make you question why you started in the first place. Only to give you the most excellent satisfaction of “Look at what I just did!” feeling. And that is very rewarding! It’s completely worth getting to the end of the total body workout.

When it comes to using dumbbell thrusters and burpees, you can structure it in any way you can imagine. You can do a prescribed number of reps as fast as possible. You can try to keep going for as long as possible, alternating each movement. Or do several reps for tiTimend, complete multiple rounds, continuing to try to beat your previous scores.

So Simple. So Quick. So Effective. So Sweaty.

And it won’t take hours in the gym to get fit using these two movements. It is so quick you can do it before your shower in the morning or on your lunch break at work. Complete a good warm-up. Get the total body workout started. And before you know it, you are finished and cooling down before an hour has passed.

 Choose an appropriate dumbbell weight for yourself. You don’t want the total body workout to be too easy![/caption]

Here are multiple examples of how to get a full-body workout using two movements and one pair of dumbbells.

This first one is included in my new Home Workout Program: Do Something

1. For TiTimeComplete 15, 12, 9, 6, and 3 repetitions of each
Dumbbell Thrusters

Start a clock, count up, perform 15 dumbbell thrusters, and immediately 15 burpees. Then, continue right into 12 dumbbell thrusters and 12 burpees. I am finishing after three burpees.

Congratulations! That was amazing!

Now, record your time, and try to beat it next week.

2. On The Minute
Perform one burpee and one dumbbell thruster on minute 0:00
At 1:00, perform two burpees and two dumbbell thrusters.
At 2:00, perform three burpees and three dumbbell thrusters.

Ect. You can no longer perform the prescribed number of repetitions within that minute.
Record how far you got and try to beat your score next week.

3.  3 Rounds For Time:
25 Dumbbell Thrusters
25 Burpees
15 Dumbbell Thrusters
15 Burpees
Rest 1 Minute between rounds and try to beat each previous score.

Simple, Effective, Quick, but challenging workouts you can do anywhere. At Home. At the gym. At the park. At a hotel. On Family vacation. Whenever, wherever. Simple Total Body Workout.

Get your friends and family involved to make it more fun! Challenge each other to become healthier and get sweaty together.

 Grab a pair of dumbbells and work on one of these total body workouts![/caption]

Want more dumbbell workouts?

Download my ebook, Do Something: Home Workout Program and Nutritional Guidelines.