One of my objectives this year is to work with more odd objects. One: because it is fun and different. Two: because real life isn’t a perfect barbell. I want to be well-rounded and functional. I want to pick up that oversized Amazon box without getting hurt or frustrated.
Odd Object: Battle Rope
Last year, I bought myself a Battle Rope for a different type of cardio. This one is a 40-foot-long rope with a 1.5-inch diameter. I live in a climate where it is snowing most of the year, or at least it seems that way. I end up getting sick of the treadmill. It is so much fun to use the battle rope. I have even used it in other ways, like securely tying it to my Pull-up bar and practicing laying to standing rope climbs. I also tied a weight plate to one end and pulled it along the floor from the other end. Both are excellent upper-body stretching exercises. I usually use the anchor attachment on my squat rack and put in that work!
Odd Object: Sandbag
This past Christmas, I asked for a Sandbag. A sturdy bag with which I fill with four smaller weighted bags. The bag will hold up to 40 pounds and is a great starting weight for me. You can do any exercise with a dumbbell or barbell with a sandbag. Squats and Lunges. Bicep curls and overhead Triceps extensions. Rows and presses. There are numerous exercises you can do with it.
I needed to get a good workout in, which jacked up my heart rate but was also weighted. All within a small time frame.
During my warm-up, I came up with a Max Effort of 20 seconds on, 10 seconds rest, and a type of workout using the Battle Rope and the Sandbag.
The Workout
20 seconds of Max Effort Battle Rope
10 seconds of rest/transition
20 seconds of Max Effort Sand Bag Squat Clean Thrusters
2 Minutes Rest
Repeat for 5 Rounds.
How This Works
20 Seconds Max Effort Battle Rope:
The starting position – Hold one end of the rope in each hand, feet hip to shoulder width apart, and push your hips back and down into a partial squat. Then, pick a movement to do in the time block or mix of the movements to keep moving and the intensity high!
Battle Rope Movements:
There are so many different variations you can do with the Battle Rope. Here are some of my favorites.
Alternating waves
When the time starts, alternate slamming each side of the rope down on the ground.
Double Rope Slams
Slam both sides of the rope on the floor at the same time.
Battle Rope Thruster
Holding a rope end in each hand at chest level, squat down, explode back up, throw your hands (and rope ends) over your head, and slam the rope back down. Repeat the movement by bringing the rope ends back to chest level and into the squat.
Sideways Slams
In the starting position, bring your arms out to each side and quickly bring your arms back into the middle, slamming the rope together before fast going back out to each side.
Rope Circles
Make big circles with your arms, one arm moving clockwise while the other moves counter-clockwise.
20 Max Effort Sandbag Squat Clean Thruster:
Standing in front of your Sandbag with feet hip to shoulder, squat down and grab the overhand handles. With your chest up, arms straight, and back flat, explode out of the squat, bringing your bag. Once fully extended, bring your elbows up and high, keep the bag close to your body, and quickly pull yourself back down into a squat and catch the bag on the front of your shoulders. Stand back out of the squat and punch the bag over your head until your arms are locked out. Bring the bag to your chest, then back to the floor to repeat the sequence.
The Sandbag is the ultimate odd object for the Squat Clean Thruster. Keep your core nice and tight and your back straight throughout the movement.
You can break it into different pieces if you don’t want to do the whole Sandbag Squat Clean Thruster. You can do:
- Sandbag Power Clean and Press
- Sandbag Squat Clean
- Sandbag Thruster
- Sandbag Squats
- Sandbag Deadlift
Mix up the movements and find creative ways to use your odd object.
Give 100% Effort.
It was hard. I stumbled when I got tired. But I centered myself and got back to it. Being out of breath after the battle rope and right into the squat clean thrusters made breathing even more difficult. The 2 minutes of rest at the end of each round was needed, but the true purpose was to get a good recovery in and then perform at another maximum effort for the next round.
It was a perfect workout. One that I will do again. Add some sprints when the weather is nice enough; I can take the workout outside.
Please give it a go for yourself! Push yourself past your limits. And find other fun ways to use a Battle Rope and Sandbag!
Product Review: ZENY 1.5″ Poly Dacron 40ft Battle Rope
The ZENY 1.5″ Poly Dacron 40ft Battle Rope is well made. As you can see from the video above, I am not concerned about being delicate and careful, and this product has held up its end of the bargain!
There are multiple sizes to choose from, so I would suggest digging deep, gauging your fitness level, and picking one that will be slightly difficult initially. The goal is to get stronger and have more stamina anyway, right?
Choosing the right length and diameter is essential for your success, and I chose the right one. When I started using the ZENY Battle Rope, I had more difficulty moving it than you see here. I love how I have been able to grow with it!
If you grab a Battle Rope Anchor Strap Kit, you can take your rope anywhere to train. Wrap it around a pole, tree, swing set, or anywhere you can get in a good sweat.
Product Review: SKLZ Super Sandbag – Heavy Duty Training Weight Bag
The SKLZ Super Sandbag is AMAZING. Anyone could easily add a sandbag to their arsenal of workout gear. There is so much you can do with it! Lunge across the floor. Carry it down the road. Squat with it in any position. Bench press that bag! Whatever your creative mind can come up with, you can do!
And because it comes just like the bags, you have to fill it with sand; shipping anywhere costs less!
The individual 10-pound bags are “Super” as well. They each have their handle, so you can use them individually like you would dumbbells. Add them all to the big bag to throw around a 40-pound Sandbag or a few to do a higher-rep workout. Either way, you can make your workout the best it can be! Get yourself a SKLZ Super Sandbag today, and start reaping the benefits as soon as it appears at your door.
Check out my ebook, Do Something: Home Workout Program and Nutritional Guidelines for more workouts!