Hi, I'm Chelsey!

My passion for health and fitness came out of a desire to feel better and be better for my family. Now I want to help you feel better too!

My journey in personal health and wellness began with a deep desire to be my best self for my family. As a wife and mom to an energetic son, I realized the transformative power of a healthy lifestyle.

Having shed over 80 pounds during my personal health journey, I overcame depression and anxiety, proving that transformation is possible.
My favorite exercise? Burpees – a symbol of pushing beyond limits.

I’m a Certified Personal Trainer with a diverse skill set including:

Nutrition Coach
Transformation Specialist
Strength & Conditioning Specialist
Corrective Exercise Specialist
Certified Yoga Instructor
Specialist in Exercise Therapy

These certifications enable me to offer comprehensive guidance on your wellness journey.

Beyond fitness, I’m an adventurer. My family and I have explored the country on epic road trips, one documented in videos where I performed burpees at stunning locations along the way.

My mission is clear: to inspire and support your health and wellness goals. Whether it’s weight loss, strength gain, or just a healthier lifestyle, I’m here to help.

Together, we’ll embrace the journey to a better you. Remember, “You Got This!”
Changing my lifestyle has been one of the most beneficial journeys for me and my family.

And I want to help you live that lifestyle too!

Auxano is a greek word that means “To cause to grow.”

Growth is a fundamental part of human nature, and it plays a pivotal role in leading a fulfilling life. Embracing growth allows us to continuously evolve, learn, and become better versions of ourselves. It’s a journey that encompasses various aspects of our lives, including physical, mental, and emotional dimensions. Here’s why growth is such a positive force, particularly when it comes to fitness, nutrition, and maintaining a positive mindset:

Physical Growth: A commitment to fitness and proper nutrition can significantly enhance your physical well-being. Regular exercise strengthens your body, increases endurance, and improves overall health. By focusing on your physical growth, you’re not only boosting your energy levels but also increasing your ability to fully engage with life’s adventures.

Mental Growth: Achieving fitness goals and maintaining a nutritious diet requires discipline and mental fortitude. As you work towards these goals, you’ll develop resilience, determination, and the ability to set and achieve targets. This mental growth spills over into other areas of your life, empowering you to overcome challenges and succeed in your endeavors.

Emotional Growth: Cultivating a positive mindset can have a profound impact on your emotional well-being. When you focus on gratitude, self-compassion, and optimism, you nurture emotional growth. This enables you to handle stress more effectively, build stronger relationships, and find greater contentment in your daily life.

Self-Discovery: The journey of self-improvement through fitness, nutrition, and a positive mindset often leads to self-discovery. You’ll uncover your strengths, weaknesses, and hidden potentials. This self-awareness can guide you toward a more authentic and purpose-driven life.

Increased Confidence: Achieving fitness milestones and maintaining a healthy diet can boost your self-confidence. When you see tangible progress and witness the positive changes in your body and mind, you’ll feel more self-assured in all aspects of your life.

Resilience: Life is filled with ups and downs, but a commitment to growth equips you with the resilience needed to navigate challenges. The lessons learned from fitness and nutrition can be applied to overcome obstacles in other areas, helping you bounce back stronger and wiser.

Longevity and Well-Being: Prioritizing your health through fitness and nutrition can lead to a longer, more vibrant life. You’ll have the energy and vitality to pursue your passions, spend quality time with loved ones, and savor the beauty of each day.

Inspiration and Impact: As you embark on your journey of growth, you become an inspiration to those around you. Your positive changes can motivate others to take similar steps towards self-improvement, creating a ripple effect of growth and well-being within your community.

Growth is a powerful force that enriches our lives in countless ways. Embracing fitness, nutrition, and a positive mindset as tools for growth not only enhances your physical health but also elevates your mental and emotional well-being. Ultimately, this holistic approach to self-improvement can lead to a more fulfilling and purposeful life. So, take that first step towards growth today, and watch how it transforms your world for the better.

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