You can do a workout at home with little or no equipment.
There are 3 Variations to suit EVERYBODY! It is a 15-minute AMRAP (As Many Rounds As Possible). Set a timer for 15 minutes and try to do as many rounds as possible within that time.
Variation 1: 15 Minute AMRAP

40 Toe Taps 15 Air Squat 10 V-Ups 5 Push Ups
There is no need for any equipment for this one. Use a household object to use as a guide. It can be anything from a tissue box to your kid’s toy cars.
Toe Taps – Step it out or go as fast as you can. Alternate your toes touching an object.
Air Squat – Feet are hip to shoulder width apart; send your hips back and down until they are parallel or lower than your knees. Make sure your weight is in your heels as you squeeze your butt, and think about pushing your knees out as you stand. Do not allow your knees to cave in.
V-Ups – Start laying down and simultaneously bring your upper body and legs up to meet in a V shape.
Push Ups – Start in a high plank position, keep your core tight, lower toward the floor until your elbows are at 90 degrees, and press back up to the top. If the push-ups are not in your wheelhouse yet, do them from your knees.
Variation 2: 15 Minute AMRAP

Forty hop-overs, 15 air squats, 10 Eiffel Towers, and 5 Burpees.
Slightly more complex than the first variation.
Hop Overs – You will quickly hop back and forth over your object—anything from a dumbbell to a line on the floor. As you jump, think about bringing your heels up to your butt. If you do that, there will be less chance of tripping over your object, especially for taller objects. The taller the object, the more complex the hopovers.
Eiffel Towers – is essentially a V-Up, but your legs come out wide at the bottom and together at the top while sitting at a slight angle. Make sure to keep your core nice and tight.
Burpees – I love Burpees! You are going to put your hands on the floor under your shoulders, hop your feet back to a plank, lower your body to the floor until your chest and thighs touch the ground, push back up, skip your feet to your hands, and jump up in the air with your hands coming together over your head before placing them back on the ground to do another rep.
Try to find a good pace throughout.
Variation 3: 15 Minute AMRAP

40 Jump Rope, 15 Goblet Squats, 10 Eiffel Towers, 5 Push Up Renegade Rows.
Try this one if you have more equipment at home, precisely a jump rope and a pair of dumbbells. Because you are adding weight, this one will be more difficult, so you may not move as fast as the body weight-only versions, but you are still working hard. Keep moving throughout. Try not to break too often. Find a nice, steady pace.
Jump Rope – Rotate a rope around your body and jump over it when it comes to your feet.
Goblet Squats – Hold one Dumbbell at your chest while doing a squat. Feet are hip to shoulder width apart; send your hips back and down until they are parallel or lower than your knees. Make sure your weight is in your heels as you squeeze your butt, and think about pushing your knees out as you stand. Do not allow your knees to cave in.
Renegade Rows with a Push-Up – Do a push-up with your hands on the dumbbells, then put all your weight on one arm and row the other arm up. You were pulling your elbow up towards the ceiling and keeping it close to your body. Keep your core tight and squeeze your glutes.
Try to get as many rounds as possible.
A good goal to hit is to complete 7 – 8 Rounds. Start at a moderate pace and pick up speed if you can. Pick a variation that is challenging for you, and work hard! Have Fun!
Give it a try, and let me know how it goes!